If you are one of those who like your guns to be easily operated and have the need to operate them with a single action trigger, then you might want to look into an
OEM Square Head Trigger. This trigger mechanism offers the benefits of a round trigger, but at a fraction of the cost. In fact, this trigger is ideal for people who are used to using a spring-based trigger. This is because it offers all the advantages of both a spring and an electrical trigger.
Square Head Trigger products are made with a solid steel frame, this makes them some of the most durable triggers on the market. They also offer users nearly twice the amount of trigger travel that they would get from other triggers. With this in mind, it is easy to see why Square Head Trigger products are very popular with both experienced and new gun owners. With this type of trigger mechanism, you are getting a trigger that will work in harmony with your gun.
Also, this trigger mechanism will not work with some older guns that have tapered trigger systems. Also keep in mind that some older guns require that you remove the pin that holds the trigger in place in order to use this trigger system. This requires you to remove your finger from the trigger, thus many people find this process very inconvenient. Also, when removing your finger from the trigger, you can expect the trigger spring to move, which can cause some movement in the locking mechanism of the gun.
Another reason that you might consider a Square Head Trigger over another trigger system is the Square Head Trigger offers a much quieter operation. In fact, many gun owners prefer the Square Head Trigger to the rotating trigger mechanism. It is not completely true, but many gun owners believe that a Square Head Trigger has a smoother firing sound. This means that the round spinning trigger of some Square Head Trigger products will certainly give you better shooting results.
As for safety concerns, there are only a few things that you need to be careful about with this Square Head Trigger. First, the Square Head Trigger is one of the oldest trigger mechanisms that have been developed. There are not many improvements that have been made to the Square Head Trigger since its conception, therefore, it can be expected that there could be potential for this trigger to malfunction. However, if you follow the recommended safety procedure when you use your gun, the Square Head Trigger will help ensure your safety as long as it is used properly.
This Square Head Trigger is made with an Aimelle round trigger pin that is easily detachable to the gun. You simply need to remove the pin when you want to use your gun again, thus making the Square Head Trigger safe to use. Furthermore, using this Square Trigger should reduce any possibility of accident that may occur when you are handling your gun. The Square Head Trigger is available at most gun stores, and you can check out its specifications and features when you visit a gun store near you. The Square Head Trigger is also available at other leading gun retailers online, and when you shop online, there is a chance that you will be able to save some money on the product, which will be of great benefit to you since this type of trigger is usually quite expensive.